What Montana Workers Can Expect After Being Injured on the Job
For years, your family has counted on you to pay the bills and provide for them. You are now uncertain if or when they will be able to count on you again. To make matters worse, you are dealing with a doctor who doesn’t listen, an insurance adjuster who is running you in circles, and friends who think you are on welfare.
I wrote this comprehensive guide to answer some of the questions I have heard from workers compensation claimants over the past twenty years. Although insurance companies have tried to run attorneys out of the workers compensation system, going it alone can be overwhelming, especially when the insurance adjuster and system are against you.
A Comprehensive Guide to Workers Compensation Law in Montana was written to inform represented and unrepresented workers compensation claimants from Bozeman to Libby and Billings to Kalispell navigate the minefield that is the Montana workers compensation system. In this book you will learn:
- How much time you have to report your injury;
- Whether you have to see the insurance company’s doctor;
- How much you should receive in temporary total disability benefits;
- How your medical bills will get paid;
- How you can be retrained.
Although this book normally retails for $20, it is yours free. You can either download a copy or contact Foust Law Office at 406-587-3720, or by e-mail. An informed citizen is a better citizen. Order your copy today.