Lucas Foust:
Hi, this is Lucas Foust from Foust Law Office, And I'm here to answer another quick question. And this quick question I receive from people, sometimes after they've been in a car crash already, but the question is this, what are the minimum insurance policy limits in the State of Montana? Well, the simple answer to that is this. The minimum limit that each motorist must carry when they have an automobile insurance policy in Montana is $25,000 per person or $50,000 per collision. So that 25/50 is the minimum amount that's required. This is true even if someone travels from another State that has a lower threshold or a lower amount, as soon as they drive into Montana, that minimum amount is required and must be covered on that vehicle. So if someone drives from Louisiana, which has a $10,000 requirement and they come to Montana, it automatically bumps up to 25,000.
Lucas Foust:
Just as an editorial I must say this, that 25/50 insurance policy limit has not changed for over 20 years and is ridiculously low. As a result, I really encourage you and your family to get under-insured motorist coverage and uninsured motorist coverage as well. Nearly 10% of motorists in Montana do not have any insurance whatsoever, so your uninsured motorist coverage must be as much as you can get under your own insurance policy. In addition, I highly recommend that you get as much under-insured motorist coverage as possible. $25,000 takes almost no time to spend at a hospital, and as a matter of fact, it won't even cover a single day in the intensive care unit in most facilities. To learn more about this I strongly encourage you to download our book, Abandoned on the Road: A Guide to Insurance Law in Montana. At Foust Law Office we believe that an informed client is a better client.