When you purchased automobile insurance coverage, you were provided the opportunity to purchase medical pay insurance coverage (med pay). Insurance carriers cannot increase your premiums after you make a claim on your UM, UIM, or med pay coverage. It makes absolutely no sense for a casino to charge you more for your next wager just because you won last time. Similarly, it makes no sense for an insurance carrier to charge you more after you use no-fault coverage.
Med pay covers medical bills incurred as the result of an automobile collision regardless of who is at fault. If a motorist is drunk, crashes into a utility pole, and is treated at the hospital, med pay will pay the medical bills up to the policy limit. I recommend that people purchase as much medical pay coverage as possible. Med pay should be used in addition to health insurance. Med pay coverage is often limited to $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000. These amounts often coincide with the costs of health insurance deductibles. You should purchase med pay coverage for at least twice the amount of your health insurance deductible.